Summer Skin Care

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Top Tips for Great Summer Skin from Michelle Marshall Cardiff Beauty Salon and Dermalogica Skin Clinic

The summer months can be harsh on your skin so check out our top tips to keep your skin looking and feeling its best.

Heat, humidity and the sun’s harmful UV rays all increase the risk of skin damage, premature ageing and greasy, sweaty, blocked pores.  This means it’s especially important to look after your skin carefully at this time of year.  

Read on to see our summer skin saviours and make sure you look your best throughout the summer and beyond.

Summer Skin Care Tips








The Bay


Dermalogica summer skin care CardiffTIP #1: Wear a Sun Protection Factor 30-50.  This will slow down the ageing process and keep your skin in optimal condition.  We recommend that you wear a high SPF sun cream all year round – not just over the summer months.   We stock a range of Broad Spectrum Sunscreens from Dermalogica, including Super Sensitive Shield spf30, which is ideal for sensitive, reactive and recently resurfaced skin (i.e. for use after a peel or other exfoliation treatment). 

It contains natural mineral sunscreens to shield against UV rays as well as Dermalogica’s exclusive UltraCalming Complex with oat and other botanical active ingredients which help minimize discomfort, burning and itching. 

TIP #2: Ideally, avoid tanning your skin but, if you do, make sure it’s a gradual process.  Tanning greatly increases the risk of skin cancer because the sun’s ultraviolet rays destroy and damage our skin cells. 

Tanning also leads to premature skin ageing, uneven pigmentation, sun spots and wrinkles.   This sun damage may not be obvious while you’re young, but will become apparent as you get older.  

Dermalogica skin care experts CardiffTIP #3:  Even when you have been wearing a high SPF cream, you may see an increase in skin pigmentation over the summer months. 

To counter this, we recommend a Dermalogica Pro-Skin facial and peel, which will help reduce the visible signs of ageing.   

TIP #4:  Use sunscreen correctly.  Make sure you use enough of your sunscreen product (1/4 tsp for your face, 1 oz for your body – which is enough to fill a shot glass) and wear it every day, particularly if you’re outside for extended periods. 

Remember to reapply every 2-3 hours and after swimming, washing, towel drying or heavy perspiring.

TIP #5Don’t forget about your neck and chest.  The skin there is thinner with a less rich blood supply than the face so it can be very prone to damage.  Protect it with a nourishing product such as Dermalogica Dynamic Skin Recovery spf50.  Designed to improve the appearance of photo-aged skin,  this moisturiser contains active sunscreens to protect against UVA and UVB rays.

Dermalogica SPF products CardiffTIP #6: Don’t forget your eyes.   The delicate skin around your eyes is particularly prone to sun damage as well as dehydration during long flights.  Wear good quality sunglasses when outside to protect your eyes. 

We also recommend Dermalogica Total Eye Care with SPF.  This smooth eye cream conceals dark circles, reduces the appearance of puffiness and fine lines and also includes a chemical free sunscreen to shield against any further damage.  

TIP #7:  Get plenty of sleep to aid your skin’s recovery.  While you are sleeping, heal the body and skin by applying Dermalogica Skin Sleep Cocoon which works with your skin to repair and regenerate it overnight. You’ll wake up with fresh, soft and supple skin.

TIP #8:  If your lips have become dry, cracked and sore, invest in a nourishing lip balm with SPF.  Lips do not contain sebaceous glands which means they a vulnerable to dehydration, so look for a balm that contains ingredients to both protect and repair your lips, leaving them supple and soft.  You could try Dermalogica’s Nightly Lip Treatment, a rich overnight formula designed to firm, hydrate and restore the lips and surrounding skin.

TIP #9: Book an appointment with the skin care experts at Michelle Marshall Beauty Salon in Rhiwbina, Cardiff.  We can assess your skin and recommend the perfect solutions for your skin’s needs.  Call us on 029 2061 1566 (Rhiwbina) of you can book online using the pop up bar to the right of the screen.